Get Real-Time Alerts of Compliance Issues

CheckWorkRights keeps you updated on changes with your employee’s checks and alerts you of any upcoming events that require action. 

CheckWorkRights keeps you updated on changes with your employee’s checks and alerts you of any upcoming events that require action. 

In order to do this, we send each client three regular reports that share a variety of important information related to ensuring that your organisation stays compliant while minimising your administration time to make this happen. 

Sent monthly, the summary report provides an overview of all of the individuals that are active in the CheckWorkRights system and includes:

  • Work Entitlement-  This section provides of an overview of how many employees have no work rights, the number that have limited work rights or conditions on their visa and how many are Australian citizens or have unlimited work rights
  • Evidence Verification – This section shares how many employees need to submit extra documentation before their check can be processed 
  • Visa Expiry Summary – The most important feature in the report, this section lists the number of employees whose visas are expiring in the next 30, 60, or 90 days

Critical Work Rights Reports

This report is an “emergency” report and provides details of any staff members whose visas are expiring shortly. Receiving this report allows you to contact the employee and collect details of their new visa and update the details through the website application. 

Change in Visa Detail Reports

Summarising the data of all employees whose visa details have changed, this report is important to keep track of as it provides alerts when work rights have changed.